Practical Life
Developing Skills
- Order
- Concentration
- Coordination and Independence
- Opening and Closing a Door
- Getting in and out of a Chair
- Rolling and Carrying a Rug
- Canying a Tray
- Carrying a Bucket
- Carrying and Placing a Chair
- Carrying a Table
Fine Motor Skills
- Folding
- Pouring solids and liquids
- Pouring with a Funnel
- Pouring and measuring
- Spooning
- Large Ladling
- Scooping
- Screwing and Unscrewing Caps and Bottles
- Pipes and Fittings
- Clipping Clothespins
- EyedropperExercise
- Wooden Bead Sorting
Care of Self
- SnapFrame
- ButtonFrame
- ZipperFrame
- BowFrame
- Lacing Frame
- Buckle Frame
- Hook Frame
- Clothes Brushing
- Clothes Washing
- Shoe Polishing
- Hand Washing
- Clean Fingernails
- Hair Combing
- Nose Blowing
- Teeth Brushing
Care of Environment
- Dusting
- Floor Sweeping
- Floor Mopping
- Table and Chair Scrubbing
- Dish Washing
- Polishing a Mirror
- Polishing Silver and Wood
- Leaf Sponging
- Watering Plants
- Flower Arranging
- Planting Flowers
Grace and Courtesy
- “Pardon Me, Please”
- “Come in”
- “Excuse Me”
- “How Do You Introductions
Food Preparation
- Banana Cutting
- Slicing
- Stringing Beads
- Secondary Colors and Color Gradation
- Sensory Discrimination
- Plane Geometry – definitions
- Solids and Insets
- Geometrical Cabinet
- Trinomial Cube
- Recognizing numbers 1-100
- Numbers that come before, middle, and after
- Number Concepts
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Continue with place value (re-grouping)
- Linear counting, skip counting, and cubing long chains (cube chains)
- Learning abstractions with the number charts
- Alphabet sounds and names
- Phonograms – middle and ending sounds
- Vowel rules
- Consonant blends
- Syllables
- D Prefix, Suffix, and Base words
- Creative writing
- Handwriting Reading Comprehension (Facts, details, main idea,outcome and critical thinking)
- Function of words
- Parts of Speech (Antonyms, Homonyms, Synonyms)
- Alphabetical Order
- Dictionary Skill
- Cultural diversity and peace
- Land, air and water
- Land and water forms
- Maps/Flags
- Solar system
- Experiments
- Animals (mammals, amphibians, reptiles)
- Insects
- Plants
- Weather